
Thenew6.1.15updateincludessupportforWindowsPrecisionTouchpad,includingsingletaptoclick,lower-rightcornertoright-click,downmotiontoscroll ...,ThisprojectimplementsWindowsPrecisionTouchpadProtocolforAppleMacBookfamily/MagicTrackpad2onWindows10.BothUSB(traditionalandT2),SPIand ...Releases28·Issues174·Pullrequests3·Security,Alltheprecisionsettingsandbehaviorsaregone.I'vetriedreinstallingdriversvia...

Apple finally supports Windows Precision Touchpad gestures in new ...

The new 6.1.15 update includes support for Windows Precision Touchpad, including single tap to click, lower-right corner to right-click, down motion to scroll ...

GitHub - imbushuomac-precision

This project implements Windows Precision Touchpad Protocol for Apple MacBook family/Magic Trackpad 2 on Windows 10. Both USB (traditional and T2), SPI and ... Releases 28 · Issues 174 · Pull requests 3 · Security

No precision touchpad settings on Windows 11 boot camp

All the precision settings and behaviors are gone. I've tried reinstalling drivers via bootcamp's installer as well as manually, but nothing has worked so far.

Set trackpad options in Windows with Boot Camp on Mac

In Windows on an Intel-based Mac, you can set trackpad options that affect clicking, secondary clicking, dragging, and more.

Trackpad++ Driver: alternate Windows driver with multi

alternate Windows trackpad driver with multi-touch gesture support for Macbook trackpads in Boot Camp environment. Now with Force Touch trackpads support.

Windows bootcamp recognizes TrackPad as mouse?

So it turns out I just had to click on boot camp in the menu bar, click boot camp control panel, track pad and then enable tap to click.

[2021] Precision Touchpad on MacBook running Windows 10 Boot ...

In this video we show How to Install trackpad drivers for every MacBook on Bootcamp. It allows to enable multitouch gestures, ...

[How to Install] Mac Precision Touchpad (better than Trackpad++)

To do so, add a virtual hard drive to the Boot Camp VM in Parallels or VMware, boot the Boot Camp VM, then format and mount the virtual drive ...

如何為使用Boot Camp的Mac添加Windows精確式觸控板手勢支援?

有個福音就是有人花了非常多年的時間開發了Precision Touchpad的驅動程式,這個我從很久以前就一直follow,作者的辛勞終於開花結果,也支援了我手邊的MBPR 13 ...